August Favorites

I have not done a favorites in forever (or maybe even ever?), and I don’t plan on doing favorites every month in fear of running out of things to talk about. However I do have a favorites from last month! These are a few products I’ve loved on though out August and liked enough to share. All are makeup this time, but look out for some non-beauty favs coming soon.

First off is BareMinerals bronzer.
(This is in the color warmth)

I have had this bad boy for quite some time now and never really gave it any thought or use but recently I decided I would use it and may have slightly fell in love. What I love is how easy it blends and leaves a nice finish.

Secondly is a little bit of orange lips, not a specific lip stick but just orange in general.
These are two orange lip products I’ve been using a lot of and the first is Ulta lip butter in the color Rome, and the second is a Revlon Matt Balm in the color Mischievous. Orange is a bit out there but hey it’s fun and summery.

They’re real! Push-up liner

This one is my all-time favorite at the current moment. I have never really been the best at applying gel liner but I love the jet black finish of it. So this is perfect, it’s so easy to apply and looks amazing. This liner is by Benefit and is the “they're real! Push-up liner”.  The one complaint I have with this is that it is on the harder side to remove but with that I Segway into my next favorite.

This is the BI-FACIL eye makeup remover by Lancôme. This is by far my favorite makeup remover I have used. It takes every last bit of the eye makeup off, and not to sound like a total dork but I love that it smells like roses.


Thank you for reading. I am going to be posting quite a few posts this month so follow me on Bloglovin (by clicking HERE) to make sure you don’t miss anything!

Xx Pais Grace


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