2015 Goals

Like many people do I have a list of things I hope to accomplish and improve on this year. I said in a previous post that I didn't feel very proud of myself in 2014 so there couldn't be a better time to fix that than now. I think aspiring to be the best version of myself is basically all my goals nicely wrapped into one overly broad statement, but I am getting a little more specific here and I just wanna list some of my goals. So don't mind my cheesy and cliche statements in this post instead let's embrace it. So here goes nothing.

- Blogging
I really love working on this blog and I am determined to be more active on this blog and try to up the quality and regularity of this blog. 

- Reading
In 2014 I really started acticly reading, and really re-fell in love with it. This year I have set my goal to 45 books in 2015. So far I have 9 new books this year so I am most likely going to up the number on that goal.

Practice music daily, simple as that.

-Eating Healthy
Here is a super cliche one but a goal of mine none the less. 

-Putting my All into what I am working on
This is the one I want to focus on the most. I feel that I half heatedly do many things and that is something I really want to change about myself. So here is to losing the laziness and working harder! Hebrews 6:12

These are all the main goals I want to stick with for this year. I thought it would be best to keep things small and simple so I actually have a shot a sticking to them. 
I Hope you liked this post and hopefully it was not absolute rubbish. Please follow me on BLOGLOVIN and leave a comment below! Thanks so much for reading!
Xx Paisley Grace


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