Would You Rather Book Tag
I saw this tag on The Leaning Tower of Tomes and thought it looked like a fun tag so I thought I would give it a go. Also I am currently obsessed with Her blog so you should go check it out if you like books and such things. So let's do this!
1. Would you rather only read trilogies or only read standalones?
This is hard becuase normally after I read a trilogy or series I like to read a standalone or two inbetween acting as a pallet clenser if you will. But the majority of my FAVORITE books are a part of series so I would rather read only trilogies.
2. Would you rather only read male or female authors?
Bizzare question because the gender of the author dosen't really matter. Some of my favorite books from female perspectives are written by men and some of my favorite books from male perspectives are written by women so.
3. Would you rather shop at Barnes and Noble or Amazon?
Sadly I don't get to buy as many books as I like but when I do they are alomst always from B&N and actually Target quite a lot. I do prefer to buy books from book stores rather then Amazon and if you have a Barnes and Noble membership the cost is the same as Amazon books and you're keeping it in bussines.
4. Would you rather books were made into TV shows or movies?
Any adaptaion gives me a tiny bit of panic because when you love a book series and how it is in your head it's scary to watch a version of it and it not hold up to your expectaions. I do prefer a movie rather then a tv show because with a tv show there are often more changes from the orignial plot which as a reader I find frustrating.
5. Would you rather only read 5 pages per day or 5 books a week?
Uh this seems pretty obvious that I would rather read 5 books a week.
6. Would you rather be a professional author or reviewer?
I don't think I would ever have what it takes to write novels but I love reading books and talking about books so being a professional reviewer would be pretty neat.
7. Would you rather read your top 20 books over and over for the rest of your life or always read a new book?
This might be the hardest question so far, I love re-reading and re-living the stories I love over and over again but no being able to read new books would be painful. So I guess I would have to choose new books I think.
8. Would you rather be a librarian or a bookseller?
I think both could be an intresting job, but if I worked in a book store I would probably end up spending all my money on new books.
9. Would you rather read only your favorite genre, or every other genre but your favorite?
I don't really have a favorite genre, it changes with my mood, the month, what I read last, really anything. One month I'll read only contempray love stories and the next phase will be dystiopian, and right now I just want to read fantsy novels so I guess I would go with every other genre but my favorite sense my favorite is always changes I would still get read read all diffrent books and genres. (yes I am aware I cheated on that one.)
10. Would you rather only read ebooks or physical books?
EASY! Physical books, I don't really like ebooks, I don't have a devies other then my phone to read them on and nothing beats hold I good ol' hard back. Maybe if I had kindle I would read more ebooks but still a kindle dosn't look as pretty on your shelf and a physical books does.
Thank you so much for reading! Be sure to follow me on bloglovin and to check out The Leaning Tower of Tomes blog.
xx Paisley Grace
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