12 Days of Christmas - Day 1- Decorations

Welcome to day 1 of 12 Days of Christmas!  First step to Christmas is getting in the spirit, first step to getting your house in the spirit is Christmas decorations. Normally this is the first thing we do starting at the beginning of December but this year we were a little late to the game, life gets in the way. But now I can say that the house has been beautifully decorated. I would love to take credit for most of this but my mom did most of the hard work other then the trees. Now that the work is all done I have to say that I love having the house done up. Putting up the decorations is just where the festivities get started so come back here tomorrow for something new. ONLY 12 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS!

Thanks so much for reading, and be sure to come back tomorrow for day 2!
Xx Paisley Grace


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