Life Update


Wow I can't believe I haven't written a post sense February. I can list off several reasons for that such as being in school, work and etc... But if I'm being honest I was just lacking inspiration and motivation for blogging. I am feeling very renewed though and I have lots of fun ideas for posts in the next couple of months/weeks. I am back in school now but hopefully I will be able to still post somewhat consistently.
So a lot has happened since my birthday and I just feel like posting a bit of an update to start off. First off, after February I mostly just focused on school. Last spring semester was such a great experience.  It was a period of time where I was genuinely so happy and complete. Being busy with school really gave me a feeling of purpose and grew me as a person, student and musician. Another aspect that was so great about last spring was the group of friends and classmates I had at school. I have so many good memoires from Theory 4 and all the other music classes and ensembles I had that semester.  Also I choreographed my first full staged show for CYT. Choreography is something I hope to do much more of in my future and this opportunity really helped me learn how to teach a whole show and a lot about my own style as a dancer/choreographer.

Because I was so happy and busy, summer really came as a shock to me. It was a weird transition from having so much school and projects to work on to having so much down time on my hands. Another aspect that was difficult for me was that I finished taking my music classes and even though I would be going back to school in the fall, all my classmates would not be there. Change is bizarre, and it took me a bit of time to adjust. Summer went by so slowly and then all of a sudden so quickly. I got a job as a landscaper and having something to do, something to accomplish really helped pull me out of my funk.

Another key aspect of summer was working camps. This was my third year working camp and it was an equally stressful and amazing experience. The best part of camps is the staff and this year I was surrounded by some great people.

I am now back at school, finishing my last semester before I have my AA. Being back isn't at all the same but it still feels good to have that purposing giving feeling that school gives me. A lot of my friends went to school or back to school in different states and so they have moved away for a bit of time. It’s more change but this time I feel a lot more prepared for it.

I am in a good place now and I am happy that I can say that. I learned a lot about myself in the last six months. It’s good for me to always be pushing myself but to not confuse pushing myself with being hard on myself. Also for even more changed, I have a new theme and set up for this blog. If you are new here you may not notice but I am working on the design of the site and am excited to get it exactly where I want it. 

This wasn't the cutest or most fun post but I have so much I want to say and talk about so keep coming back, because I will be here.
Xx Paisley Grace


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