Current Favorites
I have finally collected enough new favorites to do a whole post on them. I have been in a bit of a makeup/beauty product buying slump, which for my wallet is probably a good thing. But I have been loving these items recently and wanted to share my thoughts. So here is just a couple of my current favorites.
I am not an avid blush wearer, whenever I wear blush I feel like I look sun burnt and I just don't normally like they way they look, but I am lovin this blush. It is a really pretty pink/coral color with gold flecks and it applies really nicely and I don't think I look sunburned so that's a plus.
I like wearing my hair really long which means you can't cut it to often and so, especially in winter it gets really dry. The EverSleek Sulfate-Free Smoothing System conditioner has been amazing. It keeps your hair nice and smooth and also helps with already dry hair. I only have the conditioner because I really like the shampoo I already use but if you wanted you could use both together. On a side note it also smells amazing.
I have had BB cream from Maybelline before and when I ran out I saw that they had the same Pure Dream BB but with the added Acne Treatment. I have talked before about my skin and my issues with acne and I am not sure if this really helps or not but I like to think it does. I have been having better skin but I have also cut down a lot on sugar which may have more to do with it. I do really like this BB cream and I will continue to use and buy it.
Next up is these ear pins, or just ear pins in general. I got these gold ones at Forever21 and have been loving them. I like how they make it look like you have a collection of ear piercings and it's just the one pin. I love Forever21's earrings in general but these are defiantly my current favorites.

And lastly is a musician, which is different because I don't think I have talked at all about music on here. But I have been absolutely loving Troye Sivans album Blue Neighborhood. I just have been enjoying Troye's music in general but I especially love his newer music.
Thank you so much for reading!
Xx Paisley Grace
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