A Year In Books

One of my goals for 2015 was to read 45 books. I did change my book goal later on in the year down by 5 to 40. I think 40 isn't to bad and I read some really great and some not so great books in the year. I could list them all but that would be overly long and probably a boring post so if you are interested in seeing all the books I read you can see HERE on my goodreads account. I also post more reviews and other book related things that I don't post on this blog so if that's something you're interested in check it out. What I will be posting today is the highs and lows, my favorite series and series of this year.

First off the books that didn't quite hit the mark.
Alienated by 

This book was really not for me. I didn't connect with the character and the overall plot just didn't entertain me. There were parts of the book that just felt creepy? I don't really know I just know I didn't love it.

The Secrets We Keep by Trisha Leaver

This is actually one of the books I was really excited about that was released in 2015. The book started off really strong as one of those painfully sad contemporary books but I just didn't like how it wrapped up. It just fell short of what I had expected.

The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melinda Salisbury

I actually have a full review on goodreads if you want to know more of my thoughts on the book. But basically I was so excited to read this book partly because the cover is stunning(yes, I judge books by their covers) but it just didn't do anything for me. I felt not connection with the characters and I found the world confusing and the incestuous moments were just weird...

Favorite Series

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Before this series I hadn't really read much high fantasy and the stuff I had read I didn't really love but that has definitely changed sense reading these books. This was not only my favorite series this year I read but maybe my all time favorite series. I would HIGHLY recommend reading. 

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

This is another amazing series I read this year. I loved the characters and the development along with the relationships with the character. There is a dystopian books that are popular right now and I am honestly sick of the genre but this book is a huge exception. This series is set in a dystopian not far off future where there is a disease across America where all the children either die from it or are left living but now have abilities that get them locked up in rehabilitation camps. It was such a interesting concept with a great story arch though out the three novels. I think I liked the first book best out of the tree but the other two were a close second.

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancy 

You must read this! And fast because the movie is coming out soon. I also loved this book. There are only two currently out and I liked the second but not near as much as the first and I CAN NOT wait to read the third book coming out this year. The book is about earth being invaded by the "others" but there is so much more to it then your typical alien invasion. I think it is best to not know to much going into so just read it... now. "After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one"

Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan

I read this series this year towards the end of the year and if you have read any posts in the last few months you are probably aware that I adore it. I have talked to death about how much I like this series and you can find more of what I have to say about it on other posts here on this blog. I put of reading it for so long just cause I didn't think much of it and cause it was a middle grade I wasn't all that interested but I have learned to really love middle grades and especially this series and any age would enjoy this series.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Hann

This story is about a girl who never tells her crushes how she feels but instead writes a letter where she pours out how she feels and then seals it and hides it, keeping all the letters and her feelings to herself. Then one day all her letters get sent out to all the boys she's cared about but never told them and they never knew, till now. It's such a cute story and my favorite contemporary book that I have read. The second book in the series was just as good and I am hoping for a new one soon! If you like adorable love stories with swoon worthy boys I would read this.

All in all book wise it was a good year and here to lots of literature in 2016.
Xx Paisley Grace


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