7 Deadly Sins of Beauty (Tag)
I have been reading lots of other bloggers posts of this tag
and watching YouTube videos and I really love hearing about other people’s
answers, so I thought I would just do it myself! I don’t have a huge make up
collection and alot of it is drug stores oppose to high-end but hopefully it
is still insightful. So here it is.
GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty
item? What is your most expensive?
My most inexpensive item is my elf blending
brush. I bought it originally just as an extra brush to use for a character
make up but I ended up actually liking it and I use it on quite a regular basis.
My most expensive item is probably my Urban Decay Naked pallet, but I probably
would say the item that I spend the most money is eye shadow primer which is
also by Urban Decay. I use this on a daily basis and I totally love it.
WRATH: What beauty products do you have a
love/hate relationship with?
Eyelashes!! I love the way a good set of false
lashes looks, epically for performances or special occasions, but they can be
as much of a pain in the butt as they can be awesome. I am definably not very
good at applying them because often I have to re-glue the corners at some point when I
wear them. But a good pair of lashes is a knock out not going to lie.
My favorite lashes are anything by eylurer
and Katy Perry.
GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty
This one I don’t really have a great answer
for but I would say my most “delicious” product is probably my Wonderstruck
perfume by Taylor Swift. It has a really flirty and floral sent to it and is my
go to perfume.
SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due
to laziness?
Not gonna lie concealer is something I
always get beyond lazy about. It just takes a long time to blend it right and
make it look right so I hardly ever wear it.
PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self-confidence?
I have two answers for this one. The first
one being mascara, I can just throw on a little mascara and feel confident to
go out and about. Just having that little bit of make up on makes me feel
good. The second one is lip stick, especially red lip stick. I love wearing red
lip stick and it is something I throw on especially as a little confidence
LUST: What is a beauty product you have been
lusting for?
I’m not sure I would say I’m “lusting” for
this product but the bareSkin Pure Brightening Serum Foundation by bareMineral
has been on my wish list for a long time!
ENVY: What items would you most like to receive
as a gift?
I think an item I would like receiving as a
gift is probably eye shadow pallets. Either a fancy pallet or just a pallet
with one or two different shades is always nice to get. I personally can always
use more eye shadows and I’m not as particular with eye shadows as I am with
lip stick or liner.
So that’s it for the tag. I really enjoyed
doing a post like this and hopefully will find more things like this to do for
future posts. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it or it was in some
way helpful! Thanks again.
Xx Pais
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