Go, Go, Go Joseph
I recently was involved in Cyt North Idaho’s production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. This was one of the most fun shows I have been in and was such an amazing experience. I love the story of Joseph and getting to be a part of telling the amazing story was really a blessing. One of the best things about Cyt is the amazing friends, who really become like family. I was lucky to be cast with three amazingly talent friends of mine. We were the dancers of the show and because of this we got to learn a bunch of different styles of dance and make some crazy memories! So many others have impacted though this show though with things I know I will remember though out my life. Being in this show was one of my favorite shows not just for the dances or moments on stage, but really for the moment off stage. Everyone in the cast and crew were wonderful and I am so thankful for my Cyt family.
"Close Every Door"
Dress rehursal week! “May I return to the beginning. The light is dimming, and the dream is too. The world and I, we are still waiting. Still hesitating, any dream will do”
Cyt is currently in the process of rehearsing "Rapunzel a Magical Musical" get your tickets Here Thank you for reading! Wanna following me on Bloglovin for notifaction on new blogposts? yes you do! Click HERE Xx Paisley
"Close Every Door"
Dress rehursal week! “May I return to the beginning. The light is dimming, and the dream is too. The world and I, we are still waiting. Still hesitating, any dream will do”
Cyt is currently in the process of rehearsing "Rapunzel a Magical Musical" get your tickets Here Thank you for reading! Wanna following me on Bloglovin for notifaction on new blogposts? yes you do! Click HERE Xx Paisley
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